Categories: 건강/여행

Let’s learn about Hemangioma (Cherry angioma / Red Mole)

I became curious about the red spots that sometimes appear on the skin of babies or adults, wondering what they are, if they are caused by any other medical condition, or if it’s okay to just leave them be. So, I looked into it.

What is an angioma?

Hemangioma is a skin lesion composed of abnormally formed blood vessel cells within the blood vessels. This type of tumor is typically considered benign and mainly appears on the skin or mucous membranes. Hemangiomas often do not impact physiological vascular growth and blood circulation, but in some cases, they can cause discomfort or aesthetic concerns.

The exact cause of hemangiomas is not known, but there may be environmental factors at play, and genetic factors can also influence their development. Some individuals may have them from birth.

Additionally, hormonal changes, abnormalities in blood flow, inflammation, trauma, and other factors can contribute to their formation.

In many cases, hemangiomas may not require treatment, and they often remain asymptomatic aside from the appearance of red spots. Unless there is significant growth or complications such as recurrent bleeding from the affected area, they are generally considered benign tumors that do not have a significant adverse impact on the body.

However, when the tumor grows to a size that causes discomfort or complications like the ones mentioned above, treatment is necessary.

Type of angioma

1. Cherry Angioma

Cherry angiomas are small, bright red in color, and typically appear as small dots, usually ranging from 1 to 3mm in size. Due to these characteristics, they are often referred to as ‘Cherry angioma.’ They tend to occur primarily on the upper body’s skin, such as the face and chest. They are commonly found in adults and tend to increase in frequency as one ages.

Cherry angiomas are generally considered benign tumors, and there is usually no significant need for removal unless there are cosmetic reasons to do so or if they cause bleeding or itching.

2. Strawberry Hemangioma

Strawberry hemangiomas, as the name suggests, often resemble small strawberries in shape and are commonly seen in young children. They can vary in size and are often present from birth. Additionally, they are more commonly found in girls than boys. These hemangiomas result from an overgrowth of blood vessels and typically resolve naturally before the age of 10, so unless there are special circumstances, they are generally not removed or treated separately.

3. Spider Hemangioma

Spider hemangiomas are characterized by small, clustered lesions within a defined area, often resembling the appearance of red pepper flakes scattered on the skin. They tend to become more numerous and larger with age, which is why they are sometimes referred to as ‘senile hemangiomas.’

These hemangiomas are commonly found on the torso, such as the arms, back, and chest, rather than the face.

The treatment methods

As mentioned earlier, hemangiomas are benign tumors that appear on the skin, so immediate treatment or removal is not necessary. However, in cases where treatment is sought due to cosmetic reasons, psychological discomfort, or issues like bleeding or itching, the following methods are available:

1.Laser Treatment

Laser therapy is the most commonly chosen treatment for hemangiomas. It involves targeting the blood vessels within the hemangioma with a laser to deliver heat and destroy them. This is the most common method for reducing or removing hemangiomas.

2.Steroid Injections

Steroid injections may be used for larger and swollen hemangiomas. Steroids can help reduce inflammation around the tumor and decrease the size of the hemangioma.


Cryotherapy can be used for small hemangiomas. This treatment involves freezing the blood vessels around the tumor, causing destruction and reducing the size of the hemangioma.

4.Surgical Excision

In cases where hemangiomas are large or causing severe symptoms, surgical excision can be performed to completely remove them.

So, if you suddenly notice red spots on your baby’s skin or develop red marks that you didn’t have before, it’s a good idea to consider the possibility of hemangiomas. While there is no urgent need to remove benign skin tumors, if you suspect other symptoms or discomfort, it’s advisable to seek medical attention and consult with a healthcare professional. 🙂


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